Monday, May 2, 2016

SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM Taken from Book Progress towards GOD

Spiritual Wisdon and Knowledge
Taken from Book Progress towards GOD By S N Vishvaguru Kashi



Most people ask me what is yoga and how it is benefited?  

Is it concerned with spirituality in any way ?

I want to mention one thing here that yoga is the addition of 2 or more by which the power of process is increased rather than one so yoga of anything strengthen the power of quantity but it must be always for goodness and good thing otherwise bad virtues gets empowered .

Further yoga may be of two types;

First is the TAN YOGA & second is the AATMA YOGA.

TAN OR BODY YOGA is actually exercises of body to gain physical relax and many diseases may also be cured by this type of YOGA .This YOGA performs YOG addition of TAN AND MAN .

But always remember that benefit is maximum only when TAN is associated with MAN. It means to draw maximum profit, TAN must move according to wish of MAN.

 Therefore if you will do TAN YOGA reluctantly not with the concentration of MAN, in fact it would not be yoga (addition of TAN with MAN) ALTHOUGH, you will get benefit also but not up to that extent to which limit you can.

Now the second YOGA is MAN (ANTARATMA ) YOGA which is the addition to AATMA with PARAMATMA ( BHAGWAN ) , THE SUPREME POWER , doing all the things beyond your thought and you want to discover that this is the nature of your soul and mind .

by this way , AATMA becomes more powerful with the dissolution of PARAMATMA ( BHAGWAN ) and what do you want more than this ? Nothing will be more powerful and almighty than this addition so it would be the solo aim of life.

Think for instance, what you are doing at present in life in life. In fact you once engrossed in any type of job or AAJIVIKA to earn money and sphere of post acquired by you must be promoted and increased by you. Why so? to gain power of every kind like super power .

you think that by gaining all powers , you will become satisfied and peaceful but is it not your biggest fault ? you do all for this and during whole life.

To gain more powers in any sphere is only good up to that that extent not to enforce bad virtues in you otherwise there is no benefit of powers either it is physical or spiritual.

 So GOD is that entity who having supreme powers of all types and HE is GOD only because of that, HE DOES NOT MISUSE HIS POWERS and equally does right justice.

A man can bot do so SPIRITUAL EDUCATION & KNOWLEDGE however we want to do so, which is human nature and tendencies. Then what to perform and how?

this you can perform by MAN ( ANTARAATMA YOG ) which is a trial of unification of AATMA with PARMAATMA ( BHAGWAAN ) to feel not only HIS powers but to feel and learn that how GOD uses this power without any proud but with simplicity and patience.

So the YOGA ( TAN & MAN ) is strictly associated with GOD or SPIRITUALISM ,even if guides on the right track of GOD.

The another thing is that to become healthy is the first necessity because it is the site of man and without which MAN YOGA is wasted partially and practically little benefit is drawn.

If TAN & MAN both are unified to GOD, then you will be in maximum spiritual spirit. The HINDI meaning of YOG is the Y= YOGYA ‘; G= GAMAN ; MEANING THEREBY transition of state which is fruitful or profitable and beneficial that is MAN is moved towards GOD to feel controlling of supreme and super powers for the peace and justice both for satisfaction and if you will see the TAN yoga , it is directly in the spiritual path leading to MAN yoga or physically inactive or total active mental yoga .

Inactive yoga is not inactive in the reference of MAN but in reference of TAN while man follow the whole spiritual journey to reach the GOD and its effect or influence is not only immediate but it also exerts good influence distantly , the satisfaction and peace is most costly for life to raise spiritually others also .

( from the book , PROGRSS TOWARDS GOD )

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